Essential Piano Teacher's Lifetime Studio License by Jerald Simon
You will have access to every PDF book or pre-recorded online course Jerald has created and every PDF book or course he will ever create during his life. You will be a lifelong customer and will have access to all of his courses, PDF books, series, MP3s, and online video lessons for life! You will also have access to the PDF books of all new books Jerald writes for life. (This does not include private lessons, online group lessons, physical products, in person events, or mentoring/mastermind groups). You will also have the studio license so you can print out all of Jerald's PDF books for the piano students in your piano studio. I am also giving you online access to all of my pre-recorded courses (past, present, and future) as well!
As a piano teacher, you will have access to every PDF book and online course Jerald has created and every future PDF book or online course he ever creates - all of his courses, PDF series, MP3s, pre-recorded online video lessons for life (excluding weekly online group piano lessons and in person lessons and events)! You will also be granted a lifetime studio license and will be able to download and print off all of Jerald's music books for the piano students in your studio. This lifetime studio license is only for your studio and cannot be shared with other piano teachers. They will need to purchase a lifetime studio license of their own. (This does not include private lessons, physical products, in person events, or mentoring/mastermind groups).
There are 30+ PDF books included in this Essential Piano Teacher's Lifetime License (as a piano teacher you will have a lifetime license to print out the music from these books for your entire studio - this offer cannot be shared with other piano teachers). Each individual PDF book lifetime studio license sells for $15.95 from the Music Motivation® website if purchased separately, so this is a huge savings to buy all of the books as a studio license bundle.
This includes the Essential Piano Exercises Series by Jerald Simon:
✅ 1. 100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know
✅ 2. Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know
✅ 3. Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know
✅ 4. Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know
✅ 5. Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know
All five of these books were #1 New Releases on Amazon and all are currently in the top 100
best-selling music theory or music exercises books on (100 left hand patterns is
currently in the top 10 best-selling music theory books on Amazon).
The lifetime studio license also includes the 9 books from the COOL SONGS Series by Jerald Simon (each individual PDF book lifetime studio license sells for $15.95 from the Music Motivation® website - so this is a huge savings to buy all of the books as a studio license bundle):
✅ 1. COOL SONGS for COOL KIDS (Primer Level)
✅ 2. COOL SONGS for COOL KIDS (Book 1)
✅ 3. COOL SONGS for COOL KIDS (Book 2)
✅ 4. COOL SONGS for COOL KIDS (Book 3)
✅ 5. COOL SONGS that ROCK! (Book 1)
✅ 6. COOL SONGS that ROCK! (Book 2)
✅ 7. The Apprentice Stage (Beginning Level)
✅ 8. The Maestro Stage (Early Intermediate Level)
✅ 9. The Virtuoso Stage (Intermediate Level)
The Apprentice, Maestro, and Virtuoso Stages (Beginning, Early Intermediate, and Intermediate Levels) also include video lessons and access to the COOL SONGS Series Course (by purchasing this lifetime license you will have access to the videos and minus tracks as well - your piano students can create their own account for a one time payment of $19.95 per student to cover the costs of setting up and creating an account - an email will be sent to you after your purchase your lifetime studio license letting you know how your students can create their own account).
(retails for $9.95 for the PDF books - $159.20 if you purchased each PDF book below - not including new books)
So WHAT are COOL SONGS? And WHY do thousands of piano teachers worldwide use them and rave about them so much? What's the BIG deal?
Currently there are over 163 COOL SONGS in the series - complete with video lessons and accompaniment minus tracks in three separate levels:
The COOL SONGS Series features over 4 + years worth of piano lessons in video format where Jerald Simon personally teaches you each new COOL SONG in a pre-recorded video lesson. This is a course with modules and lessons. You can learn to play piano on your own schedule simply by logging into the course at your convenience. You can be anywhere in the world and access these piano lessons. You'll be able to download and print off the PDF books and accompaniment MP3 minus tracks (students can play along with guitars, drums, keyboard synths, fun sound effects and more!) All accompaniment MP3 minus tracks are at performance speed with piano, performance speed - no piano (so you can play along and perform these COOL SONGS for other), and at practice speed - no piano.
Students can play along with these fun and cool sounding accompaniment minus tracks, at piano recitals, concerts, school talent shows, or anywhere they want to perform. Students love performing these cool songs.
Students can play along with these fun and cool sounding accompaniment minus tracks, at piano recitals, concerts, school talent shows, or anywhere they want to perform. Students love performing these cool songs.
Students can play along with these fun and cool sounding accompaniment minus tracks, at piano recitals, concerts, school talent shows, or anywhere they want to perform. Students love performing these cool songs.
As mentioned in the video above, after publishing my first two music books, my music studio more than doubled. Parents and other piano teachers sent their piano students who were not enjoying piano lessons to me hoping I could motivate and inspire them to keep playing the piano. The only problem was, with the majority of these new students not wanting to take piano lessons anymore, more than half of my studio now wanted to quit piano lessons. Some even said they actually hated the piano. Every lesson became drudgery, dread, and despair, and that is just what I was feeling during their piano lesson! I'm sure they felt worse than I did because they thought piano lessons were a waste of their time and felt they had better things to do. They did not see the value in playing the piano because they were not having FUN! Now I want piano students to work hard, push themselves, and learn to do difficult things. It takes persistence to learn to play the piano. It takes effort, practice, dedication, and hard work. But I believe it can and should also be a FUN and enjoyable process.
I had a problem and had to figure out how to motivate and inspire these piano students. If you are a piano teacher or a parent of a piano student, maybe you can relate to what I experienced in trying to motivate my piano students.
As explained in the video above, I began composing a piano solo for each individual piano student during their piano lesson in any style, key signature, time signature, and genre of his or her choosing. Some wanted faster music that sounded like pop, rock, jazz, blues, or boogie-woogie styles. Others wanted slower music that sounded more like new age, contemporary/classical, ballads, or hymns. I composed music my piano students wanted to play! After composing each piece I asked the students what they thought and almost without exception, every student said they thought the music sounded COOL! All of these pieces became known as COOL SONGS.
Parents and piano teachers began contacting me and asking me how they could begin using these COOL SONGS with their own piano students. My waiting list for my own piano studio exploded. Parents and teachers would be on a 3-5 year waiting list just to begin taking piano lessons from me so their students could have FUN piano lessons and use my COOL SONGS Series and my ESSENTIAL PIANO EXERCISES books.
I have compiled all of the various COOL SONGS I composed for my own piano students into a COOL SONGS Bundle to help motivate other piano students and share my COOL SONGS with piano teachers and piano students around the world!
All of the COOL SONGSfrom this book currently are piano only solos, but Jerald is in the process of creating accompaniment MP3 minus tracks for each of these as well. You will have access to the accompanying MP3 minus tracks when Jerald finishes orchestrating them.
21 Cool Songs for beginning level piano students. This PDF book is the Primer Level book in the Cool Songs for Cool Kids Series by Jerald Simon
The songs are:
1. Blue Lagoon
2. H2O – Ready, Set, Go!
3. The Unicorn that Got Away
4. Keep On Keeping On
5. Rhythmically Impaired
6. Walkie-Talkie War Cry
7. Ghost Town Giggles
8. Big Ben Strikes Again
9. The 5th Avenue Frolic
10. The Sinking Submarine
11. Down and Out
12. Let ’em Have it!
13. The Pizza Party Patrol
14. Ferris Wheel
15. Western Winds
16. Point and Click
17. Oh-Vation
18. Little Piece
19. Revenge of the Piranhas
20. The Cocker-Spaniel Catastrophe
21. Have Mercy
This is a single use license (PDF book).
All of the COOL SONGS from this book currently are piano only solos, but Jerald is in the process of creating accompaniment MP3 minus tracks for each of these as well. You will have access to the accompanying MP3 minus tracks when Jerald finishes orchestrating them.
21 Cool Songs for late beginner - early intermediate level piano students. This PDF book is Book 1 in the Cool Songs for Cool Kids Series by Jerald Simon
The songs are:
1. Five, Four, Three, Two, One…BLAST OFF!
2. Play ground Pro
3. Beat-cha to it
4. Checkmate
5. Five for Five
6. Deep Sea Diving
7. Game Over
8. Locker Jam
9. Rock ‘n Rag
10. Rocket Man
11. Junkyard Jive
12. Lefty
13. Championship Game
14. On Your Mark…Get Set…
15. Spy Games
16. Proximity
17. Battle Front
18. Homework Hang-Over
19. Thunderstorm
20. Bittersweet
21. New Age-Ish
This is a single use license (PDF book).
All of the COOL SONGS from this book currently are piano only solos, but Jerald is in the process of creating accompaniment MP3 minus tracks for each of these as well. You will have access to the accompanying MP3 minus tracks when Jerald finishes orchestrating them.
21 Cool Songs for late beginner - intermediate level piano students. This PDF book is Book 2 in the Cool Songs for Cool Kids Series by Jerald Simon
The songs are:
1. Boot Camp Boogie
2. Tick-Tock Click ‘n Clock
3. The Spy Kid
4. Renegade Rogue
5. Paparazzi Polka
6. Wishful Thinking
7. The Kick Box Kid
8. Sweet Serenity
9. Fancy That
10. Smooth Sailing
11. Third Time’s the Charm
12. Bored Game Blues
13. Amazed
14. Keepin’ it Real
15. Slip ‘n Slide Summertime
16. Pogo Stick Punch Out
17. The Gigabyte "Guru”
18. Chillaxing
19. Suspense Thriller
20. Je Ne Sais Quoi
21. Skillz
This is a single use license (PDF book).
All of the COOL SONGS from this book currently are piano only solos, but Jerald is in the process of creating accompaniment MP3 minus tracks for each of these as well. You will have access to the accompanying MP3 minus tracks when Jerald finishes orchestrating them.
10 Cool Songs for late intermediate level piano students. This PDF book is Book 3 in the Cool Songs for Cool Kids Series by Jerald Simon
The songs are:
1. Master of My Fate
2. Power Play
3. Pounding the Pavement
4. Contemplation
5. From the Heart
6. Moving On
7. In the Know
8. Timing it Right
9. Dis-Chord
10. Graduation
This is a single use license (PDF book).
All of the COOL SONGS from this book currently are piano only solos, but Jerald is in the process of creating accompaniment MP3 minus tracks for each of these as well. You will have access to the accompanying MP3 minus tracks when Jerald finishes orchestrating them.
7 Cool Songs for late intermediate level piano students. This PDF book is Book 1 in the Cool Songs that ROCKS! Series by Jerald Simon.
The songs are:
1. Rock ON!
2. Ace In the Hole
3. Crowd Surfing
4. Jam Session
5. Revolution Rewind
6. Techno-ology
7. Urban Fusion
Dedicated to the rocker within each of us who enjoys fun, cool, pop and rock rhythms. Rock on piano students (and, of course, piano teachers)! You are rock stars!
Cool sounding rock and pop piano pieces composed specifically for teenage piano students – especially teenage boys. Each of these Cool Songs were composed by Jerald Simon during actual piano lessons with many of his own teenage piano students to help motivate and inspire them to learn music theory the fun way – through original Cool Songs.
This is a single use license (PDF book).
These COOL SONGS are helping teen piano students and adults all over the world to learn music theory the FUN way and in the process have an enjoyable time taking piano lessons. The main three areas I try to focus on in my own teaching, my various master classes, workshops/seminars, musical speeches and in composing these various COOL SONGS are:
By buying the Essential Piano Teachers Lifetime Studio License, you will also have access to the Essential Piano Exercises Series: 1. 100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know, 2. Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know, 3. Essential Jazz Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know, and 4. Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know, and 5. Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know. We will soon be coming out with three additional books from the series and you will have access to those books as well: 2. Essential ROCK Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know, and 3. 100 Chord Progressions Every Piano Player Should Know.
Level - Early Intermediate - Late Intermediate
Pages - 94 pages
Format - PDF book (you can buy the paper back on Amazon)
Retail Price - the paperback version of the book retails for $19.95 (this special PDF offer is the only place where you can buy this series as a PDF set)
Book Summary -
100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know is essentially two books combined into one. The two sections are:
1. 100 Left Hand Patterns, and
2. 100 songs written in Fake Book format(only using the treble clef or right hand notes with chords written above each measure).
Learn how to play the 100 left hand patterns in the first half of the book, and then try to play all 100 songs written in Fake Book format 100 different ways in every key signature.
The left hand patterns are divided as follows: 1. Basic Left Hand Patterns, 2. Jazz, Blues, and Boogie-Woogie Left Hand Patterns, 3. Rock and Pop Left Hand Patterns, and 4. New Age and Contemporary Left hand Patterns.
There are a few pages of practical application and then five sections featuring 100 different songs in Fake Book format. These are the five sections: 1. Children's Songs, 2. American Folk Songs/Patriotic Songs, 3. Christmas Music, 4. Classical Music, and 5. Gospel/Spiritual Religious songs.
Level - Late Beginner/Early Intermediate - Late Intermediate
Pages - 288 pages
Format - PDF book (you can buy the paper back on Amazon)
Retail Price - the paperback version of the book retails for $29.95 (this special PDF offer is the only place where you can buy series as a PDF set)
Book Summary -
Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is a big book of essential piano exercises in every key signature and in every inversion. Piano students need to learn the fundamental basics of playing the piano.
This book introduces piano students to intervals, pentascales, tetrachords, scales (major and minor), chords (triads, SUS chords {sus 4 and sus 2}, augmented {aug.}, diminished {dim.}, 6th, minor 6th, major 7th, minor major 7th, dominant 7th, minor 7th, minor 7th (flat 5), minor 7th (sharp 5), diminished 7th), chord progressions, and fun, cool piano exercises in all key signatures and inversions.
After presenting the traditional and essential piano exercises, Jerald presents a section featuring FUN and COOL exercises you won't find anywhere else. Jerald also explains why it is important to learn intervals, scales, and chords and then demonstrates what you can do once you have learned the theory. Jerald refers to it as the practical application of music theory. He often calls it "Putting FUN back into Piano FUNdamentals" (emphasis on the word FUN). Take your piano playing to a whole new level with these exercises in every key signature. Piano teachers are thrilled with the amount of exercises presented in this book.
Level - Early Intermediate - Advanced
Pages - 266 pages
Format - PDF book (you can buy the paper back on Amazon)
Retail Price - the paperback version of the book retails for $29.95 (this special PDF offer is the only place where you can buy series as a PDF set)
Book Summary -
In this book, Jerald teaches the following:
Key Signatures – page 6, Basic Music Intro/Review – page 12, Most Common Chords – page 22, Blues Pentascales – page 38, 12 Bar Blues – page 48, The Major Blues Scale – page 76, 2 – 5 – 1 (ii7 – V7 – I7) – page 88, Jazz Modes – page 98, Whole – Half – Half Walking Bass Pattern – page 105, Using the Chromatics Scale – page 110, Using Jazz Chords – page 116, The Boogie-Woogie – page 138, Using 7th Chords – page 170, Improv Lessons – page 198, Modal Jazz Improvisation – page 222, 9th Chords – page 237, Modulating from one Key to Another – page 244, Over 100 Measures of RH Riffs and Improv PatternsCreated from the Minor Blues Scale – page 248, and Over 100 Measures of RH Riffs and Improv Patterns Created from the Major Blues Scale – page 252.
The entire book follows a pattern of: 1. teaching the jazz music theory concept, 2. presenting exercises that focus on implementing and applying the jazz music theory concepts, and 3. demonstrating how the theory and and jazz exercises can be combined together to create actual jazz music by having the piano student play jazz music that was composed using the exact jazz theory concepts the student has just learned.
Level - Early Intermediate - Late Intermediate
Pages - 154 pages
Format - PDF book (you can buy the paper back on Amazon)
Retail Price - the paperback version of the book retails for $25.95 (this special PDF offer is the only place where you can buy series as a PDF set)
Book Summary -
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is a book everyone can use to improve their understanding of new age basics, including left hand new age patterns, chord progressions, how to arrange, improvise, and compose in a New Age style, and learn original new age compositions for intermediate level piano students.
Essential New Age Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know was created as one of the resources for the members of the Essential Piano Exercises Course.
Level - Early Intermediate - Late Intermediate
Pages - 262 pages
Format - PDF book (you can buy the paper back on Amazon)
Retail Price - the paperback version of the book retails for $29.95 (this special PDF offer is the only place where you can buy series as a PDF set)
Book Summary -
Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is the fifth book in the Essential Piano Exercises Series.
Learn How to Play the Piano in a Pop Style Using Syncopation, POP Chord Progressions, Left Hand POP Patterns, and Essential POP Piano Exercises. The book includes 31 original POP piano solos composed by Jerald Simon that have been recorded and fully orchestrated (with drums, guitars, keyboard synths, orchestral instruments, and more). You can listen to the two pop albums, EFFORTLESS and PULSE on all music streaming sites.
Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Music Mentor Jerald Simon, is one of the books from the Music Motivation® Series (The Essential Piano Exercises Series).
Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know is a book everyone can use to improve their understanding of POP basics, how to play the piano in a pop style using syncopation, POP chord progressions, left hand patterns, and Essential POP Piano Exercises. Essential POP Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know was created as one of the resources for the members of the Essential Piano Exercises Course (
This book is dedicated to the many piano students, young and old alike, who have asked Jerald Simon over the years to release a book with all of the POP piano exercises, left hand patterns, chord progressions, and tips he feels are essential to help pianists learn how to play POP music on the piano. In this book, Jerald teaches pianists the basics of getting started in playing pop music on the piano. Jerald has composed 31 original pop pieces that he has included in the book that help teach left hand patterns and chord progressions, so students will be able to apply what they are learning.
Students can also listen to the music from this book on Spotify, Pandora, iTUNES, AMAZON, YOUTUBE, or any other streaming site. These fun POP piano exercises can be combined together to create actual pop music by having the piano student play the pop music Jerald composed using the exact pop theory concepts the student has just learned. Jerald also encourages students to try and compose pop music of their own.
You'll be joining over 10,000+ piano teachers and piano students worldwide who have purchased the PDF books as well as the video course.
When finalizing your order by clicking on the "Get Started Now" button below, you can also upgrade and add on the Essential Piano Exercises Spiral Bound Series for an additional $159.95 (you'll receive all of the PDF books instantly and then we'll ship out the four books from the Essential Piano Exercises series to you) You can purchase all of Jerald's books as paperback books from Amazon or buy the spiral bound books from your local music store. If your local music store is not yet selling Jerald's books, they can CONTACT JERALD to begin selling his books in their store.
In addition to that, you can add on the Essential Piano Exercises Complete Video Course for an additional one time payment of $129.95. In the Essential Piano Exercises Course, I have already created hundreds of videos and am currently creating additional videos for each of the books. Every exercise will have a video lesson to help you learn how to play each exercise and original piano solos. Course members also have additional trainings I have done over the years. More videos and live piano lessons will continually be added to the course and you will have access to additional training videos as we do them. This course is a course that will continue to grow throughout the years. For a one time payment, you will have access to new content without needing a subscription. Your piano students will also be able to access the video lessons from the book within their own account.
The Essential Piano Exercises Course is $199.95 if purchased separately, but we are now giving a special discount for everyone who buys the PDF series today from this website and then upgrades and adds on the COOL SONGS Series upgrade. You can purchase the Essential Piano Exercises Course later for $199.95 at any time in the future at this link:
The Essential Piano Exercises Course gives you the video lessons for each of the books in the Essential Piano Exercises series plus you will be able to attend a live monthly group piano lesson Jerald teaches on the first Friday of every month in a private Facebook group that is only for members of the Essential Piano Exercises Course. You will have lifetime access to these videos (past, present, and future). By joining this course, you also receive all of Jerald's books as PDF downloads. Everyone who purchases this course will also have access to 10 additional PDF books in the series that have yet to be created (plus the video lessons for those books).
"I did a lot of research trying to find the right piano course on the internet. When I finally signed up for Essential Piano Exercises, I was not disappointed. Vendors often over-promise and under-deliver. Refreshingly, I experienced the opposite. I can recommend this course wholeheartedly to any pianist who wants to learn to improvise, play by ear, and become unglued from sheet music. If you are prepared to put in the hours, this course will change the way you look at the keyboard." - Martin Reith
Piano Teacher
Piano Teacher
Professional Pianist (Former Piano Student)
Former Piano Student
Essential Piano Exercises Student
Professional Musician (Former Piano Student)
I have tried to make the Essential Piano Teachers Lifetime License affordable for piano teachers. Each individual book is sold as a PDF lifetime license on the Music Motivation® website for $15.95 per studio license (per book).
If that amount were multiplied by the 30+ books included in this offer, piano teachers would have to spend more than $478.50 just for the studio license of the books (if purchased separately). That does not include the video lessons or additional courses we are offering with this Essential Piano Teachers Lifetime License, not to mention all future PDF books and pre-recorded courses I create in the future, which you will have access to as well. I want to pass on the savings directly to the teacher, so this package is the most cost effective way to purchase my books and use them with your piano students in your studio.
I do allow piano teachers to reprint these books for the piano students in the piano teachers studio (this license cannot be shared with multiple piano teachers - each teacher must have their own studio license).
I encourage piano teachers to reprint these books and even sell the reprints of the books for a profit to the piano students. The piano teacher can keep all of the money they charge the piano student for printing out and assembling the books. Pay for the studio license once and reprint (and make money reprinting) the books for life.
Here is a final proposition for piano teachers. I have had countless piano teachers ask me if I would be willing to give them a BIG discount on PDF books and if I would be willing to start selling my spiral bound books again from my website.
After much thought, I have decided to start selling spiral bound books again, and will start selling spiral bound books on my website, but only in book bundles of 5 or more books (but you will be able to mix and match and let me know which books you would like me to send you). We will sell a few select individual spiral bound books, but all of the paperback books are still available from my Amazon page.
We will have spiral bound book bundles of 5, 10, 25, and 50. All piano teachers will be able to receive a 10% discount on all sales. In addition, we will give a 35% discount to all piano teachers who plan on spending a certain amount annually (I believe we have decided on an amount of at least $200 dollars spent annually on our website per piano teacher). If you only purchased one of each of my books per year, you would spend well over that amount). I also will grant you permission, as a piano teacher, to resell my books to the piano students in your piano studio for a profit. You can even sell the books at the retail price. I want this to be a win-win for everyone. All orders over $100 will include FREE shipping anywhere in the USA.
We are referring to this program by having piano teachers become our ESSENTIAL PIANO TEACHERS. We will also be creating pages where we can have contact info on our website so piano students will be able to see who these ESSENTIAL PIANO TEACHERS are and where they are located. We have so many piano students and parents contacting us and asking if there are piano teachers in their area who use my music books. Please Email Me and let me know if you would like to become one of our ESSENTIAL PIANO TEACHERS and receive a 35% off discount on all sales made on our website.
I want you to receive the biggest bang for your buck and provide the best piano lesson content I can. I have spent over a decade creating these COOL SONGS and want to share them with as many people as possible. Please share this page with your family and friends who may be interested in my COOL SONGS. If you know any other piano teacher, piano student, parent of a piano student, family, or relatives who would benefit from these COOL SONGS, please forward this page to them and share this offer with them so they can begin playing these COOL SONGS today!
Buy the Essential Piano Teachers Lifetime Studio License (all PDF books) for $1,239.95 $169.97.
You will also be able to upgrade your order and add on the Essential Piano Exercises Spiral Bound Set (5 spiral bound books from the series) for an additional $159.95. We'll even add on the Essential Piano Exercises Video Course for FREE (this is usually an additional $129.95 as well). Buy the PDF Series and add on the spiral bound series when checking out, if you'd like a physical copy of the book series.
When checking out, you will purchase the Essential Piano Teachers Lifetime Studio License for $1,239.95 $169.97. You can check the boxes to add on the additional/optional upgrades. If you add on the Essential Piano Exercises Spiral Bound set, we will ship out your spiral bound set of 5 books today. You will have instant access to all PDF books, video lessons, MP3 minus tracks, etc..
The PDF series includes the five books from the Essential Piano Exercises series which includes 1,066 pages of fun piano exercises and original music created and composed by Jerald Simon. The spiral bound series includes all five of the spiral bound books from the series shipped to your home. We only ship within the United States of America. We offer FREE shipping within the United States. If you live outside of America, you can purchase all of Jerald's books as paperback books on Amazon.